What Is the Cost of Roof Replacement in Monticello IL?
Popejoy Roofing can quickly provide you with all the pricing information you need for roof replacement in Monticello IL. We respond within 1 to 2 business days when you make a request for an estimate. Many factors come into play when determining the price of replacement roofing. Our qualified roofing contractor will weigh the following when quoting you a price for roof replacement.
- The Complexity of Your Roof
- Roofs with deep slopes
- Pitched roofs
- The total amount of roof hips, valleys, and features
- The Size of Your Roof
- Roof area square footage
- Roof valleys measured in linear feet
- Ridges and hips measured in linear feet
- The total linear feet of flashing
- Total linear feet of fascia boards or exposed roof edges without fascia boards
- The Replacement Materials You Choose
- Total Amount of Necessary Replacement Roof Decking, Rafters, and Fascia Boards
Our company cannot provide accurate pricing information until we inspect your roof. However, we do not charge for initial consultations. Contact us to get a detailed price estimate within the next few business days after our inspection.
Why Choose Popejoy Roofing for Roof Replacement?
We understand that you have a lot of options when it comes to contractors for roof replacement in Monticello IL. However, our company offers you benefits that cannot be beaten. We offer more return on investment to our customers with the following benefits.
- Roofing contractors who are licensed, bonded, and insured.
- Some of the best shingles on the market: Highlander, Vista, and Legacy
- 30-year warranty on shingles we carry.
- Labor we provide comes with a 10-year warranty.
- Over 25 years of experience in the residential and commercial roofing industry.
- We provide you with a written job proposal that outlines the project, price, payment policies, warranties, and cleanup responsibilities.
- Free roofing estimates
- Services that earn 5-star client reviews.
Other Home Maintenance and Repair Services Available
Popejoy Roofing provides several services in addition to providing roof replacement in Monticello IL. Let us know if your home needs any of the following services.
- Roof Repair
- Attic Ventilation Systems – We can install more ventilation for your attic to help your home vent hot air more easily. That can provide you home with improved energy efficiency and it helps to prevent mold issues.
- Gutter Cleaning – Our contractors can remove leaves, dirt, debris, and plants from your gutters for you.
- Flashing Repair – Flashing covers gaps and joints in areas on your roof where roofing meets a wall, around roof features like chimney or piping, or roofing at angles. When the metal strips that make up flashing get damaged, it exposes your home to water leaks. We can make the necessary repairs to protect your home.
- Chimney Flashing and Repair – We can install new flashing around your chimney or replace damaged flashing.

Contact Us for Roof Replacement in Monticello IL
Popejoy Roofing partners with Malarkey to provide premium shingles when you need roof replacement in Monticello IL. These products offer some of the best warranty protection in the roofing industry. Plus, we put a 10-year warranty on our workmanship, too! Get the most for your money now by giving us a call at
309-530-4204. For your convenience, you can also fill out our online quote request form.